Puerto Rico

We have decided on Puerto Rico in January since we are aiming for someplace beautiful with plenty of sunshine and water, arts and ...more


Hello friends and family,

We are honored to have you join us for our wedding celebration. Your presence is our gift!


We're lucky to already have a home full of everything we need, so please enjoy browsing this wish list, where you can contribute to our dream honeymoon if you like!


Thanks for visiting and we can't wait to celebrate with you!

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Baltimore, MD  

Contact Us

Contact Kate Collins via e-mail or via phone at 480-231-0024.

Our Registry


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Puerto Rico

We have decided on Puerto Rico in January since we are aiming for someplace beautiful with plenty of sunshine and water, arts and culture, tasty food and wine, and lots to explore on foot! We are open to suggestions if you've been!