
We'll be doing a mini-moon to Grassington in Yorkshire this year, but the main event will be a proper honeymoon to Thailand and Ja...more


Hi everyone!


We're thrilled that you'll share our wedding day with us. There's an old tradition to buy a couple a set of cutlery or a toaster as a gift for their wedding. Having lived together for 2 years now, we already have cutlery and a toaster (albeit we only got the toaster a few months ago...). So, rather than expecting people to guess, we've created a registry. It's not just any registry though. This is a honeymoon registry, where you can choose to contribute to our honeymoon - chipping in for part of our plane tickets or buying us a tasty street food snack. Or, use the custom option and tell us what you want us to try!


Thanks for visiting and we can't wait to see you on our big day!

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Contact Megan Jones via e-mail.

Our Registry


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We'll be doing a mini-moon to Grassington in Yorkshire this year, but the main event will be a proper honeymoon to Thailand and Japan next year or once the borders open up again. We would like to see the jungle, go on the bullet train, eat amazing food and all that good stuff.