Dear friends and family,
The date has been set! We will be getting married in Troyan, Bulgaria on Saturday, August 24, 2019. Save the date! We would love for you to join and come celebrate with us.
Please click below to let us know if you can attend and how many we can expect from your party!
We are honored to have you as part of our lives - your presence is a gift!
Wedding Details
More Information:
We selected "The Chateau Montagne" (, a beautiful boutique hotel in the heart of the Old Mountains, with a swimming pool, gym, a relaxing atmosphere, and great food.
When you book your room, you will not be charged until your actual check in date. Reserve your room at your earliest convenience by emailing The Chateau Montagne at and cc'ing Gregor ( and Danny (
Please, make sure you mention the reservation is for Gregor and Danny’s wedding so that we know we have enough rooms to have our deposit returned.
Sofia Airport is the best airport to fly to. You can book a flight with a number of airlines, usually with a 1-stop layover. We suggest you arrive at least one day early. We also recommend Lufthansa, which has a partnership with United.
Transportation to the Hotel
From Sofia, you can either take public transportation from the Sofia Central Bus Station or rent a car to get to the hotel in Troyan.
Wedding Celebration
Wedding cocktails, dinner, and celebration will take place at the hotel starting promptly at 5pm (don't be late!) and ending at 4am.
Scroll down for our registry information.
We appreciate any contribution you can make to our future and helping make our dreams come true!
Thanks for visiting and we hope to see you on our big day!
- Danny and Gregor
Also see:
Contact Us
Contact Gregor Hanuschak via e-mail.