
Hello Friends and Family,

We are so excited to announce that we will be closing on our new house near Pocahontas State Park in Chesterfield on July 28th! Our new home will be the perfect place to grow Tim's business and hopefully our family someday. We are incredibly blessed to have you in our lives and we can't wait to celebrate with you. Thank you for helping us to start our exciting, new life together!


How Does it Work?

Honeyfund allows couples to break down the cost of larger items into smaller chunks. Guests can choose to contribute toward larger items by selecting the number of portions desired in the drop down menu. Contributions are made directly to Honeyfund and then to the couple, This allows couples to include items from a variety of websites and stores!

Contact Us

Contact Maid of Honor, Liz Lea via e-mail or via phone at (970) 376-6055.

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