Hello friends and family,
We are honored you will share in our celebration. Your presence is our gift!
We're lucky to already have a home full of everything we need, so please enjoy browsing this wish list, where you can contribute to our dream honeymoon! As a couple we value new experiences and exploring the world! We've been to France and the United Kingdom, hiked up waterfalls in Yosemite National Park, and packed up our tent in the rain surrounded by giant redwood trees. While we have many places still on our list to visit, we are excited to travel to Italy* for our honeymoon and see what new adventures await us there!
We are still getting married on May 31, 2020 but due to the pandemic will not be able to hold our wedding as planned or go on our honeymoon. We hope you will be able to join us on May 30, 2021 to celebrate our marriage with us in Boise, Idaho. Any gifts we receive through this page will go to a special account we have created to save for our honeymoon trip that we hope to be able to go on next summer.
Thanks for visiting and we can't wait to see you!
Contact Us
Contact Kate Jarvis via e-mail.