Auckland, New Zealand


To Our Amazing Family and Friends,


Thank you for visiting our Honeyfund. We are so fortunate to have so many of you able and willing to spend your time, effort, and the expense of traveling, to be with us for our wedding. Having you present on this happy occasion means everything to us.


Please consider gifting to our Honeyfund as opposed to a traditional wedding registry. Our perfect honeymoon is New Zealand in December. We hope you find this Honeyfund as a way to help us make our perfect honeymoon come true!


We are grateful for all of your love and support and to have you in our lives. We look forward to celebrating with you all in Goleta in July!

Wedding Details

Reception Location:

Goleta, CA  93117 (map)

Contact Us

Contact Ashley Mancino via e-mail.

Our Registry


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Auckland, New Zealand