Hawaii, USA

Once it is safe to travel again.


Hello friends and family,


Please enjoy browsing our Honeyfund wish list, where you can contribute funds to our dream honeymoon! (It’s safe, secure + easy)


Feel free to contact us via the link below if you need more info about how it works.

Thanks for visiting + we can't wait to see you November 13th ♡


All our love,


Amanda + Christopher Diemand Jr ♡

Wedding Details

Reception Location:

Milwaukee, WI  

More Information:

A location is currently in the works + TBA by October 1st!!
We will keep everyone posted if anything is to change ♡

Contact Us

Contact Amanda Diemand via e-mail or via phone at 310-633-3072.

Our Registries


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Hawaii, USA

Once it is safe to travel again.