Vancouver, BC, Canada


Hello friends and family,

We have created this honeyfund for those who may really really want to gift us with something in celebration of our marriage. We're not asking for gifts/donations from anyone at all. Please do not feel obligated to contribute, just wish us well, close this website and move on to what you were doing before. Peace!


If you are one of the friends or family that really really wants to contribute, we are so thankful!

Traveling is one of our favorite things to do in the world! We have never been to Vancouver and are looking forward to celebrating, hiking, vegan dining and kundalini yoga-ing there!


We have chosen to not have a wedding ceremony. It's possible we may have a small and very casual celebration with friends and family afterwards, in September or October perhaps, we'll let you know!

Contact Us

Contact Misty Makara via e-mail.

Our Registry


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Vancouver, BC, Canada