
Hello friends and family,


We are looking forward to sharing this special weekend with you! We are most excited to spend time with you and your presence is the best gift we could ask for, so please do not feel obligated to use this registry. But since we love an adventure, if you are interested in contributing to our honeymoon (we're hoping to sneak away sometime next year to Norway!) we would be incredibly thankful. We also included a few household, outdoor, or dog related gifts that we would surely appreciate and use well.


See you on the North Shore in June!

Wedding Details

Reception Location:

Solbakken Resort, 4874 W. HWY 61, Lutsen, MN  55604 (map)

More Information:

Best place for gifts is our address in Montana:

910 Briar St
Missoula, MT, 59802


Contact Us

Contact Rebekah Thomas via e-mail.

Our Registry


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