Savannah, GA, USA

A cozy historic city with plenty to explore...and to eat!


To our dear loved ones,

We are honored you will share in our joy on our wedding day. Your presence is what we treasure most!

We're blessed to already have a home full of everything we need, so please browse our Honeyfund wish list, where you can contribute toward experiences on our honeymoon! (It’s safe, secure, and easy.) Buy us dinner, a night in a hotel, trolley tour tickets, or another item that catches your eye! You can also gift us any amount by scrolling to the bottom of the list.

THANK YOU for helping us have the honeymoon we dream of!

Contact Us

Contact Giulia Carbine via e-mail or via phone at 443-875-7671.

Our Registry


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Savannah, GA, USA

A cozy historic city with plenty to explore...and to eat!