
We are planning a 2.5 week Italian experience in October immediately following our wedding. Our plans include: Rome, Pompeii, th...more


Hello friends and family,


We are honored you will share in our special day, and are so excited to welcome you from far and away!


We have lived together for a year or two (or four ;), and we are lucky 🍀 to have a home of everything we need and more...


Your presence as a guest is our gift, but if you insist on giving us a lift, please enjoy browsing this wish list.


You can contribute to our dream Italian honeymoon through this site, or you print a certificate of the items selected if you like.


Thanks for visiting and we can't wait to see you on our big day - it’s no longer so far away!


Caitlin and Tim

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Digby Pines Golf Resort & Spa, 103 Shore Rd, Digby, NS  B0V1A0 (map)

Reception Location:

Digby Pines Golf Resort & Spa, 103 Shore Rd, Digby, NS  B0V1A0 (map)

Suggested Guest Accommodations:

Contact Us

Contact Caitlin Roberts via e-mail or via phone at 902-209-8984.

Our Registry


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We are planning a 2.5 week Italian experience in October immediately following our wedding. Our plans include: Rome, Pompeii, the Amalfi Coast (Tim’s fav pick), wine regions of Umbria & Tuscany (Cait’s pic), Florence, Cinque Terre, Verona and Venice to name a few highlights. We are so excited that we already have our itinerary mapped out... We want to experience all the wonderful culture, history, and of course food and wine this beautiful country has to offer!!!