Disney World & Cancun, Mexico


We know it's not traditional

It's not the way it's done,

But instead of a wedding list

We'd like a bit of sun.


Please do not think of us as rude,

Please do not take offense.

We do not want to upset you

That's not the way it's meant.


We've lived together quite a while,

And all the bills are paid.

We've got out plates and pots and pans.

Our plans have all been made.


So if you'd like to give a gift to help us celebrate,

Some money towards our dream honeymoon

We would appreciate

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel @ 4pm, 4th Floor Rooftop, Poughkeepsie, NY  12601 (map)

Contact Us

Contact Melissa L Banks via e-mail.

Our Registry


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Disney World & Cancun, Mexico