Argentina, Chile

Andy and Rachel are embarking on a dream trek for both of them through Patagonia! We will spend 30 days in country, traveling by p...more


We’ve been together quite a while,

With all our pots and pans,

And as we don’t need homey gifts,

We have another plan.


We know it’s not traditional,

And not the way it’s done,

But rather than a wedding gift,

We’d love a bit of fun!


So if you would like to give us a gift,

And send us on our way.

A donation to our honeymoon,

Would really make our day!

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Buena Vista, CO  

Contact Us

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Argentina, Chile

Andy and Rachel are embarking on a dream trek for both of them through Patagonia! We will spend 30 days in country, traveling by plane, ferry, and bus to reach our epic destinations for hiking, fishing, and wine tasting!