
Hello friends and family,

We are honoured you will share in our special day - whether online or in person! Your support is a gift to us and we can't wait to have a big celebration next year with you all!

Originally we set this up as we had planned a big honeymoon to Hawaii then Florida. However, due to Covid-19 our plans have changed. Instead, we are taking two 'mini-moons' within the UK that have graceously been offered to us from friends/friends of friends. We are very thankful that we will get to have some time away!

We have recently moved into a new house and once again have been extremely blessed by friends and family with most of the furniture we need. There are a few little things we still need (please contact for more details) so any gift will be a blessing!

Much love and God bless you,

Steff and Sarah xxx

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

All Saints Church, 6 Church Lane, Hartford, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE29 1XP (map)

Reception Location:

All Saints Church, 6 Church Lane, Hartford, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE29 1XP (map)

Contact Us

Contact Steff and Sarah via e-mail.

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Hawaii, USA

(Also Florida)