Hello friends and family,
Welcome to our Registry & Thank You so much for contributing to our future!
We're lucky to already have a home full of most everything we need, that being said we do have a few registries with physical gifts which you will find below.
If you would like to contribute cash funds toward our Honeymoon or First House Fund you can either venmo us @samantharoserubin OR transfer money on Zelle using my email: or phone number: 860-805-5225. These platforms do not ask for a fee.
If you would like to contribute to the Honeymoon Fund or House Fund listed on here, feel free, though we do incur a fee to receive funds through this online platform so venmo/Zelle/check or cash is wonderful too!
Thanks for being a part of our future!
All our Love,
Sam & Caleb
Contact Us
Contact Samantha Rubin via e-mail or via phone at 8608055225.