Vancouver, BC, Canada

We will be spending 10 days in Vancouver in September, catching two showings of Bard on the Beach, exploring the city, and trying ...more


Hello friends and family,


We are so excited to be getting married next year, and to see many of your smiling faces. We know that whether it’s in person, by Zoom, or in spirit, we’re so looking forward to having you with us.


We are fortunate to have everything we need for our apartment, so please enjoy browsing our Honeyfund wish list, where you can contribute funds to our Alaska cruise honeymoon, or to our down payment.


It is safe, secure, and easy to contribute here if you wish.


As well, we invite you to consider donating to the Canadian Mental Health Association, as this is also a cause near and dear to our hearts.


Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about Honeyfund!


Thank you for visiting, and we hope to see you all in one way or another on the big day. ❤️

Contact Us

Contact Meghan Noftall via e-mail.

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Vancouver, BC, Canada

We will be spending 10 days in Vancouver in September, catching two showings of Bard on the Beach, exploring the city, and trying lots of food!