Coming Soon


Hi Everyone!


While Jill and Ben wish everyone could attend their wedding given current circumstances and their location, they decided to have a very intimate wedding ceremony in June. This Honeymoon fund is a surprise. Jill does not want or expect gifts from anyone, but I think after all she has done for her loved ones that she deserves something special for herself. We will have a family Zoom bridal shower for her and present her with the Honeymoon fund on May 1at at 1pm. Friends shower will be a different day! If you have any questions or concerns about this contact Bridget @ 267-974-3623. You can also Venmo me at @bridget-Trautz or if you would prefer that or there is always the option to mail her a card. Text me for her address.


Also please leave her a note on this bridal shower JamBoard




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