
We are Molly and Frazier. Aspiring Occupational therapists and hopeful future moms! We worked hard to get here - taking care of family during Covid, changing our careers, and both of us heading back to school to be able to provide for our future children.


Our Registry is not about a honeymoon, or home gifts - but rather



We hope to build a beautiful LGBT family - but we need your help! We each hope to carry a pregnancy to term. Anything you are able to give would greatly help!


Each vial/try for us costs approximately $1000-$1300 each.


Our goal is $10,000. Crossing our fingers!


*Note: We are already married - but our celebration will be 4/8/2023.

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Culver City, CA  

More Information:

Also available for taking donations through VENMO @Frazier-Hurwin
(Last 4 digits of phone: 3729)

Contact Us

Contact Frazier M Hurwin via e-mail or via phone at 3107803729.

Our Registry


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