
Hello friends and family,


After over a year of planning, we finally did the thing! We had a private local wedding before hopping on a plane (okay, several of them) to head to the most amazing location we could have dreamed of--Costa Rica! Now we are ready to celebrate with all of our friends and family and continue our Costa Rica theme of "Friends becoming family, and family becoming friends".


We have been living together for over three years now and are very lucky to have everything that we need. We are now looking to establish our styles and furnish more like real adults. Turns out, if you combine two people that argue over who lives more like a hobo, you get very mismatched and outdated items. If you feel the desire, please donate to our Honeyfund. Feel free to contact us via the link below if you need more info about how it works.


Thanks for visiting! We can't wait to see you at our reception in August!

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

The Westin Reserva Conchal,   Playa Conchal, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Contact Us

Contact Chris Haskell via e-mail or via phone at (509) 475-6213.

Our Registry


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Costa Rica

Why Costa Rica? Because we love adventure, travel, beaches and jungles. We don't do "normal" well. In case you don't already know.