Southern Coast of Europe - Spain, France, and Italy

He wanted a beach and she wanted Europe... why not do both? We'll start in Spain and then work our way up through France and int...more


While we're still encouraging donations to the Rush Community Health Fund, KIND (Kids In Need of Defense), the Environmental Defense Council and Doctors Without Borders, we appreciate people want to do something for us. We're planning to explore the southern coast of Europe in the late spring/early summer of 2020 and are accepting suggestions for must-see desitnations!

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Southern Coast of Europe - Spain, France, and Italy

He wanted a beach and she wanted Europe... why not do both?


We'll start in Spain and then work our way up through France and into Italy. We're going to lay on all the beaches, see all of the sites, and eat all of the foods. We'll be taking any and all suggestions, so send them our way.