Hawaii, USA

Will and I are planning our honeymoon to Hawaii for May 2020. Though your presence at our wedding is our present, if you feel incl...more


Dear friends and family,

We're lucky to already have a home full of everything we need, so please enjoy browsing this wish list, where you can contribute to our dream honeymoon!

How? Well, through this website you can process a credit card gift, or if you prefer to gift a check or cash in November, that works too. Feel free to browse the list below for inspiration!

There is no expectation for a gift, as your presence is our greatest wedding present! Thanks for visiting and we can't wait to see you on our big day!


Sara and Will

Contact Us

Contact Sara via e-mail or via phone at 240-405-2098.

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Hawaii, USA

Will and I are planning our honeymoon to Hawaii for May 2020. Though your presence at our wedding is our present, if you feel inclined to give a gift, we would appreciate a little help in making our honeymoon dreams come true!