Hello friends and family,
This was not how we imagined our wedding would look when we got engaged exactly two years ago. As pretty much every commercial recently has been so fond of saying, "In these uncertain times..." - life looks a little bit different. We don't know what the next year, two years, or even beyond looks like, but we know we want to spend it together.
We're so glad that we're able to bring you into our wedding even from a distance because celebrating our love means celebrating our connection with you too. We hope this is the first step in this celebration - with a future in-person event when things start to normalize.
One day, when the world opens up again we hope to be able to continue our adventures. From traveling the world to buying a house, we have big dreams for our #SamandSimiQuaranteam. We're asking for your help in making these dreams a reality.
Contact Us
Contact Simi via e-mail or via phone at 240-281-7464.