Costa Rica

Costa Rica is known for exotic wildlife, adventure, and adrenaline. All things Jayme is usually terrified of and generally prefer...more



We honored (and excited!) you will share in our big day! We're lucky to already have a home full of the "surviving on our own" essentials, so please enjoy browsing our Costa Rica wish list, where you can contribute to our upcoming jungle adventures, where Dylan will feel right at home, and Jayme will test all the skills she learned from binge-watching both Jumanji movies.

Thanks for visiting and we can't wait to see you in Charleston!

Dylan and Jayme

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Costa Rica

Costa Rica is known for exotic wildlife, adventure, and adrenaline. All things Jayme is usually terrified of and generally prefers to experience from a scenic distance. However, Costa Rica is also known for it's chill beaches, sloths(!), waterfalls, and an overall stunning natural landscape that make for a great escape for both seasoned (Dylan) and more cautious (Jayme) explorers. So much so that this was even Jayme's idea.