Noëlville, ON, Canada


Hello friends and family,

We are honored you will share in our special day. Your presence is the best present for us; however, if you feel inclined to give another gift, we would love contributions to our honeymoon!

We are excited to have booked a week in Nöellville, Canada staying in a resort-like cabin that offers meal service and daily excursions! A calm honeymoon after the wedding to relax together and begin our marriage enjoying one another's company is important to us. Contributions to this fund will be used to cover travel costs, meals, activities on site, and the cost of the cabin for the five days we are there- all of which will help us to begin our marriage reflecting on the excitement and love of our wedding day and focusing on the life we are building together.

Thanks for visiting and we can't wait to see you on our big day!

Wedding Details

More Information:

Please see our wedding website for any additional questions you may have at and help us create an online gallery by using the #OneMooreLorenz with all your social media posts about the wedding!

Also see:

Contact Us

Contact Holly and Joe via e-mail or via phone at 989-350-3222.

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Noëlville, ON, Canada