Paris and Munich

We have a once in a lifetime trip to Paris and Munich planned, with a few days seeing the highlights of Paris, including tours of ...more


Welcome friends and family!

We are honored you will share in our special day. We're lucky to already have a home full of everything we need, so please contribute to our dream honeymoon! Thank you for visiting and we can't wait to see you on our big day!

Wedding Details

Reception Location:

Restore House, 924 South Main Street, Broken Arrow, OK  74012 (map)

Contact Us

Contact Darren W Mize via e-mail or via phone at 4056550676.

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Paris and Munich

We have a once in a lifetime trip to Paris and Munich planned, with a few days seeing the highlights of Paris, including tours of the Louvre and Cluny museums and the Eiffel Tower, followed by a trek across Europe by rail, arriving in Munich for tours of the city, a couple breweries, and Neuschwanstein Castle! Your generous gifts make all this possible. Thank you so much!


Due to public health concerns, our trip has been postponed, but we are committed to completing this adventure once tourism has resumed in our destinations. Thank you for your concern, we are staying home and staying healthy in the meantime!