
Hello friends and family,


We are honored you are here to share in our special day. Your prayers, love, and support, truly are our gift!


We're blessed to already have everything we need, we just need a home to put it all in! So please join in, where you can financially contribute towards our goal for our dream home since we have relocated back to the Virginia area!


Thank you for visiting our page and we can't wait to see you one day soon. Our prayers to host a house warming party are in the near future! We will keep you updated!

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Elkridge, MD  21075 (map)

Reception Location:

Elkridge, MD  21075 (map)

More Information:

Please click below for all the deets on our wedding! There are 2 links below, it's the same website, one may be more mobile friendly than the other.

Also see:

Contact Us

Contact Mark Anthony Cobero via e-mail or via phone at 8059808562.

Our Registry


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