
Hey there!


We are so lucky to have you all involved in not only our wedding, but our marriage. We have such a special place in our hearts for every single one of you. Our day, love, and life would be so different without you in it. Your presence is our gift, today!


We have been lucky enough to live and grow with one another for over 3 years, now. Between 3 homes and 2 cities, we have accumulated more than enough for our current house.


If you would like to bring a gift, we are hoping to buy a home here in the near future. While we are set on kitchen gadgets, bath towels, and throw pillows, a sizable down payment for a home will be required of us. Feel free to poke around our Honeyfund Site and contribute to that, if you so desire!


Thank you so much for being such an important part of our wedding.

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Everett Ranch, 8955 Co Rd 166, Salida, CO  81201 (map)

Reception Location:

Everett Ranch, 8955 Co Rd 166, Salida, CO  81201 (map)

Contact Us

Contact Emily Dewberry via e-mail.

Our Registry


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