Bali, Indonesia

July 3rd- July 17th, 2019


Hello friends and family,


Thank you so much for even visiting this page. Garrick and I have consistently said that we don't need anything, especially since we are doing a very informal wedding on March 8th, but we understand and appreciate that some of those close to us would like to help us celebrate.


Since we live in an apartment and are pretty well furnished in that department, we felt that this Honeyfund would be a good idea- we love to travel, and Bali has been on our list ever since we met 4 years ago. We plan to travel there in early July and spend 2 weeks exploring the island. We will fly from Seattle to Singapore (stay and explore for one night) and then fly on to Bali for the remainder of the two weeks. We can't wait!


Thank you again for even considering contributing to celebrating our big day.


Love, Garrick and Alex

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Contact Alexa Ellis via e-mail.

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Bali, Indonesia

July 3rd- July 17th, 2019