beauty routines for your wedding day

Photo by Igor Rand on Unsplash

This entry is from our Expert Guest series where wedding and honeymoon professionals share their best tips on creating memories that last a lifetime.

In addition to your wedding checklist, you have another set of to-dos to complete before you finally say “I do”, and this one concerns your wedding beauty regime. Apart from helping you practice some self-care and letting you relax before your big day, a good beauty regimen will also aid you in perfecting your bridal look from head to toe.  So, here are some things you need to check off your wedding beauty plan.

Beauty Routines For Your Wedding Day

Create A Good Skincare Regimen

If you want to achieve that ‘glow from within’ and radiate on your wedding day, you need to create a good skincare regimen you’ll follow religiously in the months leading up to your big day. Start by opting for natural skincare products, and exfoliating once a week, which will get rid of your dead skin cells and allow for easier absorption of products. Follow it up by applying a generous amount of moisturizer, then finish it all off with a Vitamin C brightening serum that will help you achieve that glowing look. If you have problematic skin and pesky spots, a great idea might be to find the best acne treatment for your skin type and start tending to those troublesome areas a few months in advance, in order to ensure you have flawless and spotless skin on your big day.

Don’t Forget About The Rest Of  Your Body

When we construct a skincare plan, we often forget that good skincare starts in the shower by using a gentle body cleanser for smoother and gentler skin. To ensure you have beautiful skin head to toe come your wedding day, apply a moisturizing body lotion immediately after the shower by gently patting it onto your skin, instead of rubbing.

Refine Your Makeup Look

Refine your makeup look

Photo by Igor Rand on Unsplash

A common misconception that brides often have is that they simply need a full face of heavy makeup if they want to look glamorous on their wedding day. However, if you’re not a huge makeup wearer, don’t just do it for your big day. Instead, opt for a refined version of something you would normally wear. You can even just add a bit more blush and highlighter to do something special. The point is to stay away from anything too obvious or extreme, and opt for a timeless makeup look that will make you feel beautiful, elegant and above all, comfortable.

Skip The Mascara And Try Lash Extensions

If you’re afraid that not even a waterproof mascara could hide the emotions of your big day, a great idea would be to consider getting lash extensions. If you are a bride who doesn’t want to worry about having beautiful lashes from the rehearsal dinner all the way through your honeymoon, then extensions are the perfect option. Since they have a very natural look and feel to them, they will also look great on every photograph, no matter how close up the camera is.

Personalize  Your Hairstyle

Personalize your hairstyle

Photo by Julian Schröpel on Unsplash

There is a big difference between looking gorgeous on your wedding day and simply turning into a trendier version of yourself. You’ll undoubtedly feel much more comfortable, relaxed and happier with your choice if you opt for a timeless hairstyle that will represent an elevated version of you. If you never wear your hair up because you don’t like the way your ears look or you never had bangs because you simply hated the way they shaped your face, then don’t let anyone talk you into those hairstyles. Forget about exaggerated Instagram updos and oversized accessories, and simply choose a hairstyle that feels beautiful and completely natural to you.

Consider these amazing tips when getting your bridal beauty routine in order, and you are guaranteed to look stunning and radiant on your wedding day.

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